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Division of Health Informatics, Data Science & Epidemiology

Improving Health Through Novel Research Methodologies & Innovations

The Division of Health Informatics, Data Science and Epidemiology within the Department of Population Health is the home within Dell Medical School for the creation and application of state-of-the-art informatics and quantitative methods for biomedical, clinical and population health investigation. Primary disciplinary perspectives include biomedical research informatics, biostatistics and epidemiology.

Areas of Inquiry

The division serves as both a collaborative resource and a methodological incubator for new data-driven, computational, inferential and study design approaches, especially those focused on Dell Med’s mission.

Specific areas of inquiry and discovery include:

  • Clinical research and population health informatics.
  • Novel biostatistical modeling approaches.
  • Design and analysis of clinical trials.
  • Biomarker discovery.
  • Environmental and infectious disease epidemiology.

Division faculty teach and mentor students, residents, fellows and other Dell Med faculty in these areas, as well.

Cross-Team Collaboration

The division’s faculty collaborates closely with other Dell Medical School departments and units, particularly the Biomedical Data Science Hub and the Heath Transformation Research Institute. Faculty also work to build and strengthen ties to related schools, colleges and units across the world-renowned, highly collaborative campus at The University of Texas at Austin.

The division’s diverse and dynamic team of investigators includes:

For more information about the division, please email Paul Rathouz.