Immersion Program in Value-Based Health Care

The Musculoskeletal Institute at UT Health Austin, Dell Medical School’s clinical practice, invites you to learn firsthand how to design and implement value-based care models within your own organizations.
Meet the institute’s providers and business leaders, interact with clinical and operational representatives from leading institutions across the country and learn how to create your own value-based health care models.
Upcoming Sessions
Future dates will be added as they become available. Attend a session and earn continuing medical education credit while learning how to put the concept of value-based care into practice.
The agenda is subject to change based on facilitator availability.
- What Is Value-Based Health Care? — Kevin Bozic, M.D., MBA
- Interactive Discussion: Comprehensive Care of Musculoskeletal Symptoms — David Ring, M.D., Ph.D.
- Early Impressions and Questions — Kevin Bozic, M.D., MBA
- Interactive Tour of the Health Transformation Building and Musculoskeletal Institute — Karl Koenig, M.D., M.S.
- Integrated Practice Unit (IPU), Team Huddle With Multidisciplinary Panel — Karl Koenig, M.D., M.S., and providers in the Musculoskeletal Institute
- Implementing Value Based Health Care in a Perioperative Surgical Home
- Analytics in VBHC and Patient-Reported Outcome Measures, or PROMs — Prakash Jayakumar, M.D., Ph.D.
- Driving Change in Delivery and Payment Models — Prakash Jayakumar, M.D., Ph.D.
- Reflections — Kevin Bozic, M.D., MBA, and Karl Koenig, M.D., M.S.
About the Program
The two-day Immersion Program in Value-Based Health Care is held throughout the year and brings together like-minded clinicians, payers/purchasers, digital health companies and others who are interested in health transformation related to musculoskeletal care. Engage with leaders from the Musculoskeletal Institute — affiliated with Dell Med’s Department of Surgery and Perioperative Care — during sessions showcasing how to put value-based care models into practice.
The curriculum includes an introduction to the process of developing integrated practice units (IPUs), an exercise and presentation on alternative payment models for IPUs, an interactive discussion on patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) and a huddle by the multidisciplinary, lower-extremity IPU.
Participants get a behind-the-scenes look at the Musculoskeletal Institute space and are introduced to a clinical team huddle. During the clinic tour, providers are available to answer questions about working on a multidisciplinary team and offer their perspective on the care models.
The program is developed with health care professionals in mind. This includes providers, payers, business managers and more.
If you have questions, email the team.
Since returning from the Musculoskeletal Institute immersion program, we have begun to reorganize into an integrated practice unit model to enhance the role of our physician extenders and to help provide more patient-centered care, even when (actually, especially when) surgery was not the best way to make a patient better.
Chancellor F. Gray, M.D.
Assistant professor, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Florida

The Musculoskeletal Institute Approach
The Musculoskeletal Institute is designed to help people get and stay healthy. With an eye toward patient-centered design, the institute developed new models of care delivery to maximize patient outcomes and address a broad range of musculoskeletal conditions.
The model includes multidisciplinary care teams that specialize in specific conditions (e.g., osteoarthritis, back pain, rheumatologic conditions, etc.). From surgeons to chiropractors to social workers, the teams include experts across all disciplines that support the treatment and management of musculoskeletal conditions — all in real time and in one space
The Immersion Program in Value-Based Health Care teaches participants about the philosophy behind this approach and demonstrates how it works on a day-to-day basis.
The Immersion Program in Value-Based Heath Care illustrated the importance of providing patients with comprehensive musculoskeletal care in one initial visit and capturing outcomes that can improve future health care delivery and outcomes. From my experience, I am eager to incorporate value-based health care principles because Dell Med has proven that value-based delivery can make a significant impact on physical function and mental health [for patients].
Orthopaedic Surgeon